"I am happy because everyone loves me!" - Louis Wain

Hello ^^ My name is Sunny, and I do art. I'm a draconic scholar and omnistic practitioner with about 7+ years of experience who's very passionate about what they do, alongside being queer and autistic. I love Pokemon, am currently aiming to work as a college professor, and enjoy dabbling in web development and tech repair.

Finally have a Commissions page established! If you're interested in such a thing, give this a gander. Its a WIP and I have yet to have an example gallery, so ask me for some examples!

Im a little difficult to find on the internet, especially for being an artist o_O but if you wanna check out my work, I post from time to time on Toyhouse! Links in the... the link box...... at the bottom....

Cult of the Lamb, Rainworld, Flight Rising, Pokemon B&W, Pokemon Legends of Arceus, Blastaway Newmex, Cooking Mama 3... I love my DS games :D

Scolipede, Keldeo, Jolteon, Flareon, Giratina, Latios, Reshiram,

Nichole, Licorice, Centipede, Aimon, Carmilla, Helshire... You'll see these guys in my art a lot :]

I'm a crazy person, and dragons are real. Tiamat is my Goddess and I am her child. I study draconic mythology and plan to publish some pieces on such someday. I don't have much to share right now, but I implore you read the Enuma Elish. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me.

I'm certain not a soul will read any of this. But regardless, I enjoy writing, and enjoy managing my own pages! If I can, I shall, and if you do read any of this, thanks :D

In recent years, the subject of Otherkin (or known more commonly as Therianthropy) is something that has become much more known to the public through social media, and a new generation of alterhumans entering the scene. The subculture has existed for a couple of decades by now, dating back to the 90s at least, and has gone through its ups and downs of public attention throughout the years. More than ever as of late though, apps such as tiktok have catapulted our community into the public ire, and it seems most people nowadays are familiar with therians in at least some essence. Largely this change in attention has been brought on by younger people with internet access, experimenting with their identities and bringing new ideas to our community… some that–while lovely–have shown to make a therian much more noticeable than ever before.
These individuals bring new blood to our community, and it could be argued that they should not be thoroughly dismissed despite their age, but by all means it goes without saying that through social media they have inadvertently brought on more attention to us than usual. But is this necessarily a bad thing? And what does the larger part of the community think of it?
Oftentimes more traditional alter-human individuals feel bitterly about younger people in our community, arguing that they’re immature, and have done little to aid our kind in bringing us to the spotlight and in turn having us receive more backlash. Others might say they’re kids, and they’ll learn eventually. The matter of the fact is, we're cringe. But in all seriousness, there has never been and perhaps never will be a point when our identities are thoroughly accepted by society. So are these younger alterhumans truly to blame? Many find themselves disheartened by how much the community has changed; many have left even as a result. The Otherkin and Therian community is without a doubt not what it once was, but is that not the way things simply go sometimes? With a new generation of alterhumans, there is bound to be a new wave of change. Everything changes eventually, and the bitterness my community has shown some who simply aren’t mature enough to know better at some points is frankly upsetting at times. By all means I feel that we as the longer Awakened should educate the foolish on our history, how to approach certain subjects, and simply how to be more mature about things… But it’s hard to blame a person for bringing on changes to a community when more often than not, they are simply just a child.
Change is not bad, and I don’t think it’s something we as a community should fear, however saddening it may be to see how different things are at times. No community will stay the same after being around so long, and our traditions and ideas will change with it. What seems most important is that we educate those who follow in our footsteps… teach them how things have been, and teach them right from wrong. Partially a big issue therians have with the younger side of the community is how they misconstrue information, and inherently demonize others identities as a result. What we must show these people is tolerance, and patience. They will come and go as currently they lack any real sense of self, but we should show some respect for those who stick around along the way, and be more welcoming perhaps in the process.
Things are different, however it was always going to be inevitable, and we shouldn’t put down others as a result. We were never going to be accepted as alterhumans with or without the newfound public spotlight on us, and those who fear such a thing should try and embrace themselves more. Some people in our community have been unrelenting to those younger than us in my experience, and that kind of rejection is something that I feel needs to be acknowledged more, as we open our arms to this new wave of people who feel just like us. Be patient, stand your ground where people fall out of line; but above all else, be kind. They'll learn eventually.

For many, especially those who have experiences similar to my own, finding a state of peace can be quite the task that even when accomplished comes and goes, all around making what is around you more miserable. Emotions rise and fall tirelessly to an exhausting degree, and one may exist alone against the world as they embrace themselves. It takes years–sometimes people's whole lives–to find themselves at peace and truly happy, and even then we as people are always evolving and changing, and in turn are on an endless quest of self improvement and learning. But in which case, how does one truly meet this state, and what must be done to acquire such?
Naturally, there is no single solution to such a complex problem, just like any equation. Everybody is different, and everybody finds joy in their own ways, but I wish to share the ways in which I have found the most peace for myself, and what exactly I deem to be the essentials of human life. Bear in mind, I am incredibly young and have much to learn by myself, and most of the time you must seek the answer within yourself to make life most pleasant… but this is just what I’ve learned, and some lessons I feel are incredibly valuable.
Give Yourself All The Time in The World.Life can be brutal, but life is always long, and there are many moments of relief that will come and go. Expect nothing of yourself; take your time. Your goals, your wishes; anything you may wish to accomplish takes time, and placing the pressure of time upon yourself does no good. Be patient, and be aware of oneself; always. Some might say to “Live in the Moment,” which is a bit overdone by now I feel personally, however it remains incredibly true. When one takes life a day at the time, the moments are savored. You don’t necessarily have to be productive, however it is recommended you don't doom-scroll in each second given in between, lol. I find it to be incredibly helpful to my mental wellbeing as a person who often highly criticizes themselves over time. Not rushing yourself is incredibly powerful, and can take a weight off of a person's shoulders if it's truly excessive.Embrace Yourself, Viciously.A favorite quote of mine from one of my dragon guides, his words ring truer than ever–in order to love the world around you, you must love yourself first. Accept yourself in all your truth and terribleness–we’re filthy animals–take in it all, even if you feel shame. Learn to defend yourself and your identity from the scorn of others, and learn to separate from those who wish to take you down for who you are with ease. It might seem weird, it might be uncomfortable; but only when one merges themselves in their entirety can they be most whole. Trust your inner guidance, and do as you please; one simply cannot live most thoroughly when in the body of another. And take care of yourself in the meantime… the very fact that you exist is sacred, and you only exist on the off-chance of near impossibility. Kindness is deserved by the receiver and the sender, but you will only have kindness to give if you can grow some spare after yourself. Doing things such as simply going on walks or getting enough sleep can be life changing, as more often than not our mood is based on our wellbeing, even when we feel just fine. Furthermore, mindset is key to this as well. Thinking positively adjusts your brain to-.. well... think positively. Dream and yell out to the world how everything works in your favor--how your day will be fantastic, and if not today then tomorrow--cultivate a sense of hope. It may do more then you think!Share all You Are; Share all You Know.Community makes a lifetime of a difference, and is perhaps the most important factor at the end of the day for finding yourself in a state of happiness. We as humans are social creatures–pack animals, you could say–and the isolation brought on by the age of technology has been detrimental to the vast majority of people's mental health. Community is a necessity–a means of survival practically, so our mind is fundamentally made to feel–and we have adapted to be dependent on others. Being able to share yourself with others and receive others in turn is a fantastic thing and essential to our wellbeing, as it nourishes the heart and amplifies the soul. It may take a person a very long time to find a community truly for them, but you must search endlessly nonetheless. Put yourself out here! Bring attention to yourself, and perhaps others will find you. Any amount you feel you need is alright… a few friends or a family's worth of people… nonetheless, it is a must, and perhaps one of the most valuable things of all.Ultimately, joy and pleasure come down to the simple things in life, and I strongly encourage every person to find what makes them happy on their own terms... but these things have helped me a lot, really. You must put yourself in a state of mine to receive happiness and peace in order to indulge in it, and that is when life turns fruitful. Life is great, life is good; it's just a matter of opening yourself up to it... which never is usually your own fault!
Mental health is something I am very passionate about (if you couldn’t tell already), having struggled with it and neurodivergence my whole life. Truly I wish to be able to act as a guide for others in such a way, and furthermore this is the reason why I am pursuing professing in psychology. Maybe this did nothing, maybe it was just a silly read–regardless, thanks for reading at all ^^

If you couldn’t tell by the various references on my page, I believe in dragons–I walk with them–and I am devoted to them. They are ancient creatures referenced in almost every single religion, region, and culture, from the Quetzalcoatl, to Babylonias Tiamat, to the Serpent in the Garden of Eden… They’re everywhere you look, and some of the earliest referenced religious beings in found human history. It is for this reason alongside a vast number of experiences, I put my faith in them, and consider myself a Draconic Scholar in an endless quest for knowledge and personal knowing. They are my life, and I love them more than anything in this realm.For the sake of understanding though, what exactly is it I personally gain from these creatures? What are my experiences? How do I interact with them, and what do they have to teach? There’s a lot of things I could ramble on about, really, and frankly I will save some subjects for other posts, but the overall consensus ( for myself at least ) is the power to shine light upon the inner self, and transform people in ways unpredictable. This is what I love about them most. Their fearlessness to confront the miserable–their relentless love–dragons have a passion for life on another level we ourselves cannot experience, and their affection is inequitable. Strong and wise, I have found that they are masters of education, and teaching others lessons they perhaps could not learn on their own otherwise. Hilariously, they tend to be extremely literal about this; but in a good way! Often–if you let them–they may take you places, and show you things to piece together and understand the overall lesson… to perceive, and to solve the equation on your own. They may put you through very blunt scenarios to make an undeniable point, but they are with good reason! I cannot emphasize how silly I find it at times, the way they approach giving lessons on certain things; it’s terribly straightforward. They reach into the depths and often may pull out the terribleness of ones-self, so they can confront it–feel it–understand it, and change it. But beyond that, dragons are creatures of the world, and frequently give lessons on the universe and the very nature of existence. Through their very being they often teach us as humans certain things, such as how “good” and “bad” don’t exactly exist in parallel, and simply the cycles of the universe as we know it. No good comes without bad; without risk, there is no reward. I make this as an example of what they teach specifically for the way it has changed my perspective about life. It is one of the greatest lessons I have been taught so far, and it has changed my outlook on most things, giving me the understanding that sometimes, change and terribleness is required for greatness and new opportunities.I reflected on this, recently, regarding a location in my local area. I live in a small midwestern town, and growing up there was a single ice cream shop that was the joy of all the kids in the neighborhood; including myself. Needless to say, with how big of a role it played in my childhood, I was devastated to find that the owner passed away, and with him, the store. Nobody in his family wanted to take the place over, and the place of my strawberry-ice cream filled memories featuring the sweetest old man alive that made the most incredible cakes was gone, just like that. About a year or two later, a family purchased the property, and renovated it into a coffee shop. This store has opened up so many opportunities for my tiny community in ways I never would’ve expected, bringing stronger connections, heavier support and awareness of local small businesses, and for me, a community. I spend a large number of my summer days now poking at the plants being sold, drinking free oat-milk matcha lattes, laughing with new friends I never would’ve met otherwise, and working on “The Weekly Special” as the officially hired artist of the place. I have found new joy and a secondary home in this little spot, right in the heart of where some of my specialist memories took place. I don’t think I would’ve been able to appreciate and understand the loss of the ice cream shop as much as I do without the dragons, who have guided me, and led me to understand that not everything lasts forever, but everything has its time, and when that time passes something new will get the opportunity to shine and make its mark. There is a reason we are not immortal; there is a reason nothing lasts forever. Because if everything did, how would anything else new, exciting, and fun ever get the chance to exist or even be special at all?This is just an example with a personal story I really love. Dragons have taught me many things, and I’m certain I will find myself with many more lessons before the end of my journey. They’ve brought greater joy into my life through greater understanding in ways I would not have been able to experience or learn on my own if not for them… Knowledge is power, and this applies to everything in life. I don’t say any of this to say “go follow dragons!!! NOW!!!--” of course not. I just wanted to share my experiences, as many people ask me why I follow something as silly as dragons a bit frequently. You can find the same self-empowerment and wisdom in many other things by all means, but in my experience, dragons are some of the ultimate masters of just that.